Monday, November 1, 2010

Santa's Helper Giveaway: Win $130 to Spend at CSN Stores!

I think that Santa is getting a bad rap.  
But extreme materialism is not Santa's doing.  
It is our doing.

And it's something that we can undo, if we choose.

I know that some families exclude Santa from their celebrations of Christmas, 
and I understand the reasoning behind that.

But I'm going on record to say:

I am Pro-Santa.

The Santa I know is giving, compassionate, and charitable.  He encourages children and adults everywhere to be believing, to dream, to love, to share, and to give of ourselves to others.  The Santa that I know is Christ-like.  He is child-like.  He thinks of others first and always, and he encourages us to do likewise.

These are the qualities that I see when I look at Santa.

These are qualities that disciples of Christ should possess.

These are qualities that I would like my family to emulate.

Now for the 

This holiday season, I would like to support you in your efforts to serve others in the name of Santa...better yet in the name of Christ.

To do this, I will be giving away $75  $130 to spend at CSN stores online.

[UPDATE:  Thanks to the generosity of CSN Stores, the prize is now $130 instead of $75!!!!]

As you probably already know CSN Stores has over 200 online stores where you can find anything you need--from classic dining room tables to toys to cookware!

To enter:

Email me with a description of what you and your family would like to do for someone else this Christmas.  Whatever way you choose to serve others, it is my hope that the $75 will help offset the cost of your Secret Santa adventures.

I will choose the cause that resonates most with me 
and notify the winner on November 12th.

I will also share the great ideas for service that I receive with all of you.
(Don't hold back...share away!)

Send your entries to jocelyn (dot) christensen at gmail, 
and please put "Santa's Helper Giveaway" in the subject line.
Also feel free to leave a comment on this post so I know you're on board!


In other news...

I have a guest post over at Or So She Says today.  Come on over and drop me a line!


And I have two friends who are having blog parties this month sharing their own yummy recipes (and prizes) with you!

Check them out!


Millie's Christmas Cookies!


  1. you are such a sweetheart...thank you so much for the plug to my blog...I appreciate it...HUGS!

    SHE-RA you rock!

  2. What a good idea! I am not entering the contest, but wanted to share our Christmas tradition that has brought much joy to our family.
    My husband and I have 5 small children and live in a neighborhood with many elderly friends. We also love to sing. A few years back we decided to start a Christmas tradition that would combine these two facts. We choose a day or two during the month and visit our friends. We bring them homemade strawberry jam and then sing Christmas songs. Each child may sing a little solo if desired and we sing together as well. Of course our friends join in on the more familiar tunes. We then stay for a very nice visit. Our neighbors, who now expect our visit, have treats waiting for us as well.
    I love this tradition because children can bring such joy to others, especially those who may be lonely or have no children around them. I also love the relationships my kids have made with our dear friends.

  3. My hope is to find a local Help-Portrait group to work with because I'm a photographer. (the link is here: ) I cannot go this alone and unfortunately do not have enough ties to figure out how to set up my own group.

    My family is currently working towards my oldest son's Eagle Project and we are hoping to make delivery around Christmas. He is a cancer survivor and so turned his project towards children who are ill. He is joining in the Million Pillowcase Challenge for this. He wants to make and collect as many pillowcases as he can along with goodies to put in them to take to sick children. He is getting his last signature tomorrow and we have our first sew-a-thon this weekend! (Learn more at: )

  4. PS... I <3 the original Miracle on 34th Street. Kudos for the pic selection! I believe in Santa!!

  5. Well, to tell you the truth I hadn't thought much of what we were going to do this year... but 2 families came to mind almost immediately. First is one of my former roommates {and super dear friends}. They have 2 adorable children... and her husband's brain cancer just came out of remission. They are the most faithful people I have ever met. I would love to do something extra special for them.
    Another family that comes to mind is a friend of mine from growing up. She has 5 children {6 and under}. She is away from home {Ca} in Minnesota right now with her family while her youngest receives experimental treatments to save his life from a deadly disease he was born with. They don't know if they'll be able to make the short trip home for Christmas. I would love to make the holidays a little more special in case it doesn't happen.

  6. I absolutely love the Christmas season. Best time of the year. I love Christmas lights, carols, Christmas trees and Santa. Now that I am a mother of 4 I have a hard time with Santa because it distracts my kids from Christ. Growing up my favorite part of Christmas was helping others. We were always Santa's helpers. So my kids are also Santa's helpers every year. We have done sub for Santa a couple of years. This last year we helped out with toys for tots. We were able to go to the army reserves and decide which toys to give to specific age children. My kids loved helping out so much. I always love looking for a family in need. I haven't quite figured out what we will do to be good helpers this year but I will. Thanks for posting this and allowing me to remember how much I love helping others.

  7. I love Santa, too! He's such a great example at such a beautiful time of year. What a fun idea for a giveaway, too. Looks like I'm off to send an email:)

  8. My parents helped out a family one year when I was little and it was a year that WE didn't have much but Christmas morning we were asked to pick something to take over to this needy family. I still remember that Christmas taking over toys that I had received and coming home to nothing but being sooo happy that I had been apart of that! I would like to do something like that with my kids this year!

  9. Some people don't have Santa? Boy, that would be the pits. Kinda like throwing the baby out with the bath water, right?

    I am already looking forward to and preparing for Christmas. It's my favorite season, and the whole family will be here. Nothin' better!


  10. I would love to pack a box (or several) for Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child.

  11. This is awesome! I have always been a little anti-Santa, just because he has been so commercialized. At least 80% of my Christmas decor revolves around nativities and angels, because that's what the season is really about and I try to remind myself of it.

  12. How great that you can give away more! That would help out that family I emailed you about so much! :)

  13. I just emailed you

  14. I emailed you! What an awesome give away!!! :~)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Okay, you don't need $130 to do this, but every year we buy a nativity set with 12 pieces (they usually have one at Walmart) and do the 12 days of Christmas for someone. We give one piece each day and end with the baby Jesus on Christmas Eve.

  17. Each year we make meals, put them in sacks, and deliver them to homeless folks around our city. We also make and deliver meals to elderly folks who have a hard time getting out (and a meal delivered by a smiling toddler is ALWAYS a huge hit -- with everyone).

  18. We live in a college community (My husband works as a post doc). We have many families in our ward struggling to put husbands or wives through grad school. One family in particular just finished up law school. They have 6 kids, student loans will be coming due, and still no job. I know it has become a big stress for the whole family. Although the wife has never said anything to me about Christmas plans, I am sure it is going to be a tough one. What an opportunity it would be to help out this family. Thanks

  19. What a great idea! A great way to share the love of Christ with others. Thanks for the pie party help! It is much appreciated!

  20. I just sent you a neurotic email.

  21. I'm completely pro Santa as well but I feel it's very important to keep Christ the center.

    Letter from Santa

  22. I am pro Santa, because he is the one who delivers the birthday presents for the celebratin of the birth of Jesus. I love gifts of service. For our family gifts for each other we are making something homemade. All included, even the smallest kids can scribble a masterpiece! :) I will send an email for the Christmas surprise at CSN

  23. I'm glad to have found this in time. I've sent you my letter.

    Thank you!

  24. We have needed the local food bank several times this last year and a half. The food boxes really helped us get through the month. Now that we are in the trial period of our mortgage modification, it has eased up around here.
    We found out that the food bank doesn't have the funds to provide holiday boxes this year so we have been picking up a few things at the grocery to donate so that the boxes will feel more "holiday".
    We are also donating some items for the kids present box drive.
    Not a lot, but the best we can do. They helped us so much , we want to give something back.

  25. I'm 79 and just beat cancer last year after a 2 year battle. It made me appreciate each day and my special child. To take care of me my daughter closed her business and moved me in to her home. She took me to chemo and radiation, made sure I ate, tracked my meds, and tried to hide her worry. She's now 52, unemployed and working so hard to bring in any money any way she can. She's single and has no one to help carry the load. She cooks for me, cleans, and does so many caring things - I would love to be able to treat her to something special - she hasn't bought ANYTHING for herself in 2 years now. It may not change the world, but it would bring a great gladness to my heart to be able to say a small thank you.

  26. I know exactly my choice of recipient for this give away. I have a dear friend who is struggling financially, while in school, to care for, and raise two of her three children. This would be a great help to her. I hope I'm not too late to enter.

  27. we hope to find a less fornuate family and take them a turkey or ham dinner

  28. I would like to thank you for hosting this "giveaway". I am new to your site and could spend hours looking around (and I will soon). I am sending you an e-mail now with specifics. Thanks again for your love of Christ and for helping us share his love with others this holiday season.

  29. I live on OR and our county has been hit so hard by the recession. The food bank is struggling to keep up, but more than that, St. Barnabas, a church in town, has increased free dinners offered from 2 nights a week to 3. However, they rely on the food shelter for some of their food. With this money, I would buy food for the "Soup Kitchen" and my family and I would help prepare and serve meals.

  30. Love this! I have a few families in mind this year. One is a friend whose husband just lost his job. I haven't made any specific plans yet though... still getting ready for Thanksgiving! Thanks for doing this! :)

  31. Thank you for the Giveaway, Jocelyn. I have sent you an e-mail about the group we would like to help.
