Monday, February 22, 2021

Rock-illustrated Scripture Stories

We all enjoyed the first Friend to Friend broadcast event yesterday! If you haven't seen it yet, you can watch it at this link:

One of the things that really sparked my children's interest was when they showed us how to make their favorite scripture stories using rocks!

This Sunday, my kids wanted to give it a try.  We didn't have many rocks and it's like 2 degrees outside, so they pulled out the shells that they collected in Cape Cod this fall...and they worked great!

Here are their creations. They thought of these stories by themselves.

 The photo above is Val's creation. He said that it's "Jesus healing me."

Honor (age 8) made this one of Heavenly Father with children around him in the pre-existence.

This is Val (age 4) and his rendition of Nephi in his boat.

Coy (age 3) made this angel.

Honor made the creation above. It's the Brother of Jared and Christ touching the stones to make them glow.

Honor's Noah's ark.

Honor's depiction of Eve partaking of the fruit.  The snake is in Honor's hand.

Now that the pump has been primed my kids was Primary back...and they want it with a vengeance!  Ha!  I love how the church empowers our kids to seek after their spiritual growth, even in a pandemic!  And it touched my heart that they came up with this method...using rocks...something that basically any child around the world can find and use.

1 comment:

  1. I loved watching this broadcast, such love, spirit and creative ideas and the singing was heavenly!
